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Floor maintenance class : what is analysis of causes and solutions for floor warping?

Because wooden flooring is made from natural wood, it naturally has some properties of trees. In a humid environment, wooden floors will expand to a certain extent. If the wooden floors in your home are warping, water is probably to blame. This floor maintenance class will explain in detail the causes of floor warping and related solutions.

flooring maintenace

Problem: Floor swelling and arching

Symptoms of the problem: Part of the wooden floor surface is arched upward, or some wooden floors are arched upward.

Floor Swelling and Arching Cause Analysis:

In continuous rainy weather, the relative humidity in the air is high, and no dehumidification measures are taken. The moisture in the air is absorbed by the wooden floor and then expands.

Wooden floors absorb moisture and expand after being soaked in water.

The house has been empty for a long time, uninhabited, and has poor ventilation. The water in the paint layer has nowhere to evaporate and is absorbed by the wooden floor and then absorbs moisture and expands.

The moisture content of the base concrete is too high, and the moisture-proof isolation layer is not sealed and absorbs moisture and expands.

When the wooden floor is paved, no expansion joints are reserved between adjacent panels as required. When exposed to humid air, it absorbs moisture, expands, and arches, and even the paint surface is squeezed and cracked.

The wooden floor paving area is large or wide, and no segmentation measures are taken.

Daily preventive measures: Open windows frequently for ventilation, reserve structural expansion joints and segmental joints as required, and adjust the reserved expansion joints between adjacent panels.

Suggested solution:

If it does not affect the use function, you can wait for a long time, wait for the moisture content of the wooden floor to balance with the relative humidity in the air, and then adopt a dismantling and re-laying plan as appropriate. Or completely dismantle and re-pave, adjust the segmental seams and reserved expansion seams of adjacent panels.

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